Support the Choir with a Sponsorship!
All levels of Sponsorship come with valuable benefits, including free tickets to our concerts and other events, cross-promotions, and program book ads. Scroll through the options to find a level of Sponsorship that is right for you or your organization!
“Custom” sponsorships are also available – please contact the BCP at, or (412) 241-4044 to explore options for a customized sponsorship.
To place a program ad in conjunction with your sponsorship, please fill out and return this form.
Sponsors the entire Season
♫ Recognition as the exclusive Signature (Season) Sponsor during the introduction of each season performance
♫ Signature (Season) Sponsorship recognition on subscription and production mailers, in Season program books, at all fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the Season website description, on social media, and in all press releases
♫ Full-page color advertisement inside the cover of all Season program books
♫ Company ad and logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Six tickets to each 2024-2025 performance (six performances total)
♫ Six VIP tickets to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event
Sponsors a single Production
♫ Recognition as the Platinum (Production) Sponsor during the introduction of each performance of the sponsored production
♫ Platinum (Production) Sponsor recognition on subscription and production mailers, in Season program books, at all fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the production website description, on social media, and in all press releases
♫ Full-page black and white advertisement in all Season program books
♫ Company ad and logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Four tickets to each 2024-2025 performance (six performances total)
♫ Four VIP tickets to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event
Sponsors a single Performance
♫ Recognition as the Gold (Performance) Sponsor during the introduction of the sponsored performance
♫ Gold (Performance) Sponsor recognition on subscription and production mailers, in Season program books, at fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the production website description, on social media, and in sponsored-performance press releases
♫ Half-page black and white advertisement in all Season program books
♫ Company logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Three tickets to each 2024-2025 performance (six performances total)
♫ Three VIP tickets to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event
Supports the Bach Choir (e.g., artists, instrumentalists, venues)
♫ Recognition as an Oratorio Sponsor during the introduction of the sponsored performance or event
♫ Oratorio Sponsor recognition in Season program books, at all fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the performance/event website description, on social media, and in sponsored-performance/event press releases
♫ Half-page black and white advertisement in program book of choice during the 2024-2025 Season, and quarter-page black and white advertisement in the other two Season program books
♫ Company logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Two tickets to each 2024-2025 production (three productions total)
♫ Three VIP tickets to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event
Supports the Bach Choir (e.g., artists, instrumentalists, venues)
♫ Recognition as a Cantata Sponsor during the introduction of the sponsored performance or event
♫ Cantata Sponsor recognition in Season program books, at all fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the performance/event website description, on social media, and in sponsored-performance/event press releases
♫ Half-page black and white advertisement in program book of choice during the 2024-2025 Season
♫ Company logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Four tickets to performance of choice during the 2024-2025 Season
♫ Two VIP tickets to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event
Supports the Bach Choir (e.g., artists, instrumentalists, venues)
♫ Motet Sponsor recognition in Season program books, at all fundraising events, on event and performance signage, on the performance/event website description, on social media, and in sponsored-performance/event press releases
♫ Company logo with link on the sponsorship page of
♫ Half-page black and white advertisement in the Fall (November) 2024 or Spring (April/May) 2025 program book
♫ Three tickets to a performance of choice during the 2024-2025 Season
♫ One VIP ticket (or two General Admission tickets) to the annual Bach Day Bash fundraising event