Choir Member Hub

Helpful Links

2022-23 Choir Handbook
BCP  2022-23 Photo Directory  
Bach Choir Members Google Drive (rehearsal aids and other shared files)
Private Facebook Group
Concert Recording Archives (Members’ access to 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 season recordings – not for public distribution)

Vocal Technique Session #1
Vocal Technique Session #2
Vocal Health Presentation (updated)

How do I add this to my Google Calendar?

You can add these events to your own Google Calendar by following these steps:

1. Open Google Calendar.
2. Next to “Other calendars” on the left, click the Down arrow.
3. Select Add by URL.
4. Copy and paste the calendar address below into the field provided:

5. Click Add Calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under “Other calendars.”

Note: It might take up to 12 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar.